VINUT 12 fl oz Can 100% Papaya Juice for Vitamins Intake


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Papaya Juice Vinut can 12 Fl Oz

Delicious And Refreshing Papaya Juice –A healthy Papaya Fruit Juice! Made Primarily With 100% Papaya Juice, You Can’t Go Wrong With This Delicious, Sweet Juice Recipe.

Papaya Juice Manufacturers

Our Papaya juice NFC is elaborated with the best raw materials. We select our Papayas from Vietnam croplands. Vietnam is famous for its croplands and orchards. Being here means that we are able to choose only the best raw materials. Moreover, we work with the most appropriate technology for fruit processing. Thus, our Papaya juice NFC (and all our fruit and vegetable products) are of high quality.

When we manufacture Papaya juice NFC we squeeze the Papaya and we don’t remove the water; this is why we call it “NFC” (not from concentrate). NFC juices are ready to drink.

Papaya Manufacturers, Papaya Suppliers Directory – Find a Papaya Manufacturer and Supplier. Choose Quality Papaya Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters at VINUT Food & Beverage

Is Papaya juice Vinut good for you

Vinut Papaya Juice cans 12 Fl Oz with 100% is formulated according to Vinut’s “100% fresh fruit juice” recipe creating a wonderful taste experience and providing a dose of nutrients and minerals healthy like calcium, chlorine, iron, phosphorus, potassium, etc. There are many benefits of this juice and it is especially helpful in curing blood related diseases, constipation and heart.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section]

Additional information




Manufactured by

NAM VIET Foods & Beverage JSC

Minimum Order Quantity

300 cartons


Can (Tinned)

Shelf Life

24 Months

Primary Ingredient

fruit juice

Storage instructions

Keep in a cool, dry place

Supply ability

600 Twenty-Foot Containers per month


12 fl oz